Auction Manifesto

We all choose to send our children to STM because we believe they will get a great education in a supportive, caring and accomplished school. We appreciate the small school feeling and love the sense of community.

Our hearts, heads and phones are filled with countless memories of our children’s experiences at STM…

Seeing them off on their first day of school, sensing their nervous energy while we do our best to hold back tears as we accept they are yet another year older.

The excitement of winning the class spelling bee and their recognition that ‘practice does makes perfect’.

Watching them ‘Run For More’ and proving to themselves they can run further than they thought they could.

The joy of seeing them sing their hearts out during the Christmas program despite their reluctance to practice the songs at home.

Joining the morning assembly and seeing our children participate in various ways – the warm feeling knowing they start each day with valuable lessons and positive energy – who could ask for more?

Teachers are the heart of our school.  We should support, appreciate and empower them and recognize their tireless efforts in shaping the minds of our children, setting them up for future success. Funds that we raise directly support our dedicated teachers and help them deliver a quality education which enables the development of our children. We recognize the importance of specialist teachers in broadening thinking and experiences, and we believe in investing in these invaluable resources.

We hope, as members of this community, you feel energized to participate in fundraising activities based on your passions and interests.   Every contribution, no matter how small, carries a resounding voice of support.  School fundraising amplifies these voices, sending a clear message to our children: "You are valued, and your dreams matter!"

Remember why we do this. 

Remember why we value the teachers and the STM community. 

Remember why it’s important for everyone to support our fundraising efforts.

We have a lot to be thankful for…thanks to the Auction.